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Simon Schmid (Serbian for foreigners)
“I took a Serbian language course at Concord Language School. I’m very satisfied with the open approach to teaching, as well as the professional way they teach. I was able to make great progress with my Serbian, while enjoying my classes!”

Dušan Lazić (TOEFL English Course)
“As a TOEFL student in Concord I would like to say that I am very delighted with kindness of the staff and with knowledge which teachers give us.

Mihailo Manić (FCE English Course)
“The School is really good. Not only did I improve my English, but also I made new friends in the School. Ana, my teacher, is cheerful and motivated.”

Blagoje Đurković (FCE English Course)
“I like the atmosphere in the class and the people from my group. I also like the fact that I improved my English”

Dr Dominic Croft (England) (Serbian for foreigners Course)
“Ja sam bio vrlo zadovoljan i moji utisci su bili vrlo pozitivni, naročito moj odnos sa mojom učiteljicom i na koji način me je ona učila jeziku srpskom. Gospođa Direktorka Slavica i ceo njen tim su mi se vrlo dopali. Ja se nadam da ću doći iduće godine ponovo.”

Mina Mitrović (FCE English course)
“I have finished FCE course in language school Concord. I’ve been going to this school for 8 years. Professors are young, they know their job and they are always there to help. The athmosphere is always relaxed. All the best!”

Nina Trninić (French for Tourism course)
“Puisque j’apprends le français depuis déjà sept ans, j’ai décidé de continuer avec l’ammélioration de ma connaissance de cette langue. Donc, j’ai choissi l’école de langue Concord pour le faire. Je suis très satisfaite avec ma professeur car à nos cours, nous discutons sur de différentes thèmes, nous nous introduisons avec les coutumes de la France, et les habitudes des jeunes. Je conseille tout le monde chaleuresement a venir et à essayer notre façon d’apprendre et de s’amuser.”

Stefan Čupina (Italian course)
” Frequento il corso di Italiano da sei mesi. Sono molto contento, anzi contentissimo. La mia professoressa Ana Bastianoni e’ molto brava. Mi spiega tutto in modo molto semplice e chiaro. Sono sicuro che imparero’ bene l’italiano con lei. ”

Nedeljković Slađana (Societe General)
Zadovoljna sam načinom organizacije kursa i radom prof. Jelene. Neposrednost u komunikaciji, aktivan način rada, proaktivan pristup. Umeren odnos gramatike i konverzacije.

Havrilčak Danijela (Societe General)
Zadovoljna sam kako je koncipiran kurs. Izuzetno cenim napor profesorke da nam pored predviđenog gradiva prenese i znanje koje je nama potrebno a to je poslovna komunikacija i istraživanje. Takođe, evidentan je i njen trud da nam obezbedi dodatni materijal i nastavu prilagodi našim potrebama.

Predrag Golubović
Najbolji kurs koji sam pohađao, sigurno nastavljam dalje.
(polaznik škole Concord u Boru 9.02.2013)

Gordana Žikić
Najkvalitetnija nastava, najbolja komunikacija sa profesorima i predstavnicima škole.
(polaznik škole Concord u Boru 9.02.2013)