Preporuke naših najvećih klijenata
Škola stranih jezika Concord je privatna institucija sa dvadesetogodišnjom tradicijom organizovanja kurseva jezika za kompanije. Naša lista preporuka se širi iz dana u dan. Naš domen rada nije samo vezan za Srbiju, imamo i odlične preporuke stranih kompanija.
Ovo su preporuke naših najvećih klijenata:
RTB BOR d.o.o.
1. Determination ofthe methodology and program
2. Organization of pre-test
3. Organization of attendants into groups in accordance with pre-test results
4. Development ofthe training syllabus
5. Preparation of detailed training plan
6. Provision of training materials for all attendants
7. Provision of adequate premises with technical capabilities to implement training in Bor
8. Tracking the attendance and monthly reporting to RTB Bor
9. Organization of testing during the training andthe final exam
10. Provision of certificates for all attendants that passed the exam or issue verification for attending the course
During the four -month time (64 classes per course) our 98 workers have finished different courses ranging from beginner to upperintermediate level according to CEF.
In my opinion the Concord Language School has done a very good training and helped our Workers in obtaining the designated level of English language which will help them in their Work. We believe that the creativity and knowledge of their team directly led to that success. Please consider Concord Communications Ltd. for all your corporate needs. I recommend them and look forward to working with them again.
Sincerely For Sector Human Resources RTB Bor Staff manager
Dragan Randelović
LCCIEB (London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
D.Piacenti (
Global Input A.C
LCCI Italian Reps, Roma Italy
Libijska Ambasada
Sime Lozanića 8, Belgrade, (1 student)
USAID Serbia
Susan Kosinski Fritz
Mission Director US Embassy Belgrade
USAID Mission to Serbia
Jennifer Scott
Executive Officer
Jelena Miletic Pjevic
Deputy HR Manager
TOB - Tourist Organiztion Belgrade
Dejan Veselinov (
Ljilja Alajbegović (
Messer - Bor
Ljubiša Bučanović (
(5 students)
Avala Resources d.o.o. - Bor
Violeta Mladenovic (
(29 students)
Vojvođanska Banka
Directors: Grigoris Vyssoulis - Ioannis Sopasakis
Director Kai Kimmel
Ljubica Naumović